About the The Resident Evil Podcast...
Rising from the ashes of The Horror is Alive's short but highly successful "R.P.D. Dispatch" (potentially one of, if not, the first Resident Evil podcast created online), some staff previously from the website Project Umbrella embarked upon a similar podcasting venture. Originally pitched by TheBatman in late 2011, this new podcast format aimed to be slightly more serious in tone than its spiritual predecessor with a particular focus on the lore behind the series. Essentially the idea behind it at the time was to provide a platform for long-time Resident Evil community members to continue to contribute to Resident Evil debates when free time to enjoy the series and engage in endless forum debates became somewhat harder as we all got older and the general responsibilities of life took over. Each episode would focus on a particular game from the series, which would be comprehensively reviewed and analysed. Current Resident Evil news would be discussed and the podcast was always meant to be community focused, with guests chosen from respected members of the RE fan community rather than individuals directly associated with the series.
It seemed fitting to launch such a venture in 2012, which was to be a pivotal year for Resident Evil with the series enjoying an unprecedented number of releases across various media formats, including Revelations, Operation Raccoon City, Damnation, Marhawa Desire and finally Resident Evil 6. The voyage launched in January of that year when the the newly gathered podcast crew embarked upon a trial episode - dubbed 'Episode Zero.' After this successful early attempt, the team was bolstered to continue to try and record semi-regularly and, as of early 2020 are approaching 60 episodes plus specials and far, far too many hours to count in total.
Combining the hosting charms and wit of Neptune, the take no nonsense extreme series knowledge of TheBatman, and the dry biting barbs of Mr Spencer - each podcast episode covers news, a topic or game in the franchise in detail, and every episode ends with a round of Neptune's extremely infamous Biohazard Quiz. Will the questions be good, be terrible, or will it it all just descend into chaos and argument while someone googles the answer? You'll have to tune in. Crimson Head Elder Webmaster George Trevor has also frequently joined in since the start of the podcast when he is able and added his own ways to create both amazement and disbelief through his statements and also some of the more wacky things he pulls off from time to time.
After starting off small and with community guests, much like the R.P.D. Dispatch did, the core of the team formed solidly over time with the additions of such members as prolific and passionate fan and extensive lore and timeline writer S.T.A.R.S._TyranT, and the crusty old website stalwart, Rombie, who has been following the franchises' rises and falls since the beginning in the mid 90's. Both started as guests for a few episodes and eventually made their way through to regulars on the podcast staff.
Mr. Spencer and Rombie had also harked back to the days of THIA's R.P.D. Dispatch and continued their own ways as it was. In fact there is never a lack of blunt comments from everyone on board as the team never hold back on their opinions, both positive and negative about the series, and will often come to some surprising conclusions about the games. Still, when you have a team of this many passionate fans who get stuck into the details of it all - the information will surprise you. The team are by far some of the geekiest geeks who ever geeked about Resident Evil, and you're likely to learn plenty you won't find elsewhere online.
We hope you enjoy our podcast. We are proud of how far we've come and firmly believe there is something here for everybody. Please feel free to join in the conversations. You can visit our website, residentevilpodcast.com, you can e-mail or tweet us, comment on our YouTube channel, join our discord server, or just straight up send in a call-in to the show as well. We're happy to engage with all other amazing fans from the community, and the world, and share our love for the franchise.